Tonearm: Well Tempered Lab LTD MK2

According to ortofon tips tonearm with 10g effective mass is great match for cartridges with compliance from 20um to 30um @ 10Hz (in our world) which is equal to compliance of 10 or 15 @ 100Hz in Japan World.

Any chance to read a comments from ZYX users about Well Tempered Lab LTD mK2 tonearm? It must be ideal combination as ZYX compliance is 12/15 x10-6 (100Hz).

All info about Well Tempered Lab new and unique tonearm is here;
Sam, have you tried higher priced tonearms from well known manufacturers before WTL. The LTD mk2 tonearm intself is not expensive but what about performance with high priced cartridges, are you happy with it?
I have an original WT tonearm. In fact, its one of the very first that Bill Firebaugh built. I've was the second owner, being the first to take it out of the box. I've rewired it with Cardas tonearm wire and dampened the tube with one layer of shrink wrap. This was a nice improvement. Also, the fluid well has a heavy, custom machined brass clamp around the fluid well where the paddle rests. On the hum: Loosen one of the screws on the top of the motor and attach a ground wire to the screw and re-tighten. That eliminated all hum for me. I my honest opinion, the Well Tempered table, when properly set up (yes, I know its a bear) is one of the finest tables, especially considering the cost, out there. If you can find an early Moncrieff review, that's the one to read to understand what the WTTT can really do.
I guess I am perplexed as to where a bearing even exists on my WTA Amadeus arm. It's basically a rod attached to a golf ball floating in silicone. And fine sounding it is.....

Vague bearings.....the tone arm does not have any bearings but rather a paddle or ball in silicone fluid. And....they are zero tolerance, to boot.

You must be confusing your arms.

I owned an older arm and loved it. It was function executed to the finest principles of Einstein ' s simple/simpler concept.
Hi Chakster,

i'm really happy with my WT phono is Whest PS30RDT.SE,It is a good phono too,
although i never own a expensive turntable,but sometimes i have chance to visit my net fans to listen their expensive turntable,after that so i can make sure the WT Amadeus is a really good turntable,at last you better to go to listen it.