Improve a "modern" turntable?

Hi, for many years I had a VPI Hw19 turntable. It was very tweakable - with upgrades and mods, the sound improved. Last year I bought a "modern" design - Hanss T30. It is basically not tweakable - or tries to be. Yet I think there are sound improvements to be had, here also, as in many other similar "modern" or "we thought it out for you" type of designs (e g using semi-magnetic suspension, like the Hanss).

I have improved the sound by a heavier record clamp, and some damping underneath the platter, to correct for the over-eager aluminium tendency. I am looking for other modifications, especially related to the Hanss player, but also for general knowledge. It may be, that with a bit of tweaking, these "modern we made it for you" type of turntables can rise from good to great.
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I would consider a better motor controller and a Sutherland Timeline to set the speed it is much more accurate than the various strobe disc on the market currently. Best of Luck
How come it ended up under Digital?? I don't think I put it there....thanks, Erikminer...I will post a short version where it belongs!