Which Turntable??

It is time for me to go back to vinyl.

For a turntable I am debating between a new Pro-Ject Elemental belt drive with W & F given as .14% & a used Technics SL-1800 DD with W & F given as .025% wrms.

Is this a typo or is the 1800 really that much better? Technics describes their W & F as infinitesimal.

Any comments will be appreciated.

03-08-15: Schubert
EXCEPT, the first Pioneer he tested had very sloppy bearings. BIG if.
Not really. They're evidently adjustable. I've read of the same thing in a couple of other reviews. The user or a tech adjusts the bearings and it's good to go.
"Not really. They're evidently adjustable. I've read of the same thing in a couple of other reviews. The user or a tech adjusts the bearings and it's good to go.
Johnnyb53 (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

What kind of bearings do they use?
If I have to take a new TT to a tech to check the bearings I ain't buying it. YMMV
Consider an older table which will blow away those new plastic things for a lot less.
I tend to agree with Schubert. One shouldn't have to mess with the bearings. And I'll take the Technics all day long over this Pioneer or any of the new direct drive 'tables (made in China) popping up in the last year or so.