cartridge demagnetization

Are there any telltale signs that your phono cartridge [especially MC] needs to be demagnetized, or is this just a preventative maintenance issue?
Slow, sluggish cloudy sound.....I usually do it after 20 to 50 hours. BTW MC are the only cartridge you can demagnetize. You will permanently damage MM or MI cartridge if you use a demagnetizer on them.
you should not demagnetize any cartridges including mc.
every cartridge even mc has magnet that needs be magnetized at all times.
Using the demag doesn't demag the magnet, but does demag the pole pieces and other stuff around the magnet that does become magnetized over time. Never demag a moving magnet cartridge, only moving coils, and even with that, some manufacturers recommend avoiding this process. Benz, and many others do recommend demag.

I use this method every 100 or so hours with my Benz Wood SL and it works great.

I have done demags on well over 100 cartridges without any problems. It has always worked. I did once accidentally demag a MM cartridge and it completely ruined it, so be careful.

The tell-tale signs that it needs to be done is a loss of high frequencies, soft, flat overall sound with a lack of dynamics. No sparkle. Demaging will usually bring all of this back.