For VPI Unipivot Owners, do you use antiskating?

I have a Scout 1.1 with Ortofon 2M Black. Have always read that unipivot arms do not require antiskating. I don't use mine. Any opinions?
Dear Stringreen,
You must have missed this bit :

"If AS is wrong then the cart will tend to ride up the slope of either channel. This is tantamount to a sort of channel-specific incorrect VTF, even if it is not blatantly mistracking.
You will hear L-R frequency balance changes as you alter AS."

It is generally accepted that neutral A/S is a compromise to the individual's ears but not having any at all could be as catastrophically bad for the diamond as having too much. (Not too sure about the effect on the lateral suspension either, to be honest).
Asymmetric wear is an option that many folk don't want to risk when they've shelled out real $$$$ and sadly this wear pattern is documented by Studies and confirmed by cartridge builders. So it is an inescapable fact :(

I appreciate that you feel you've found something good and that you want everyone else to share it but the practicalities are that there is danger of damaging both diamond and media - a risk which you have accepted.
Kind regards,
... the practicalities are that there is danger of damaging both diamond and media - a risk which you have accepted.
Exactly so, per point #2 in my 3/9/15 post above.

Enthusiasm for good sonics should not cause anyone to ignore the risks, which are real. If Moonglum chooses not to accept those risks for possible sonic benefits, that choice is valid.
My wife says the same thing about me Yogiboy. Actually, all I urge people to do is try it. ,,You can always put it back.... Zei Gazundt.
Sringreen, Maybe some day the anti anti-skaters and the anti-skaters will live in harmony together and the world will be a better place!
Just Try It Both Ways!


I use the JMW arm, and have NO twist in the cable, and no "Dangling" weight type anti skate that vibrates.

I hear no inner grove distortion in any of my 2,000 Lp's, through my speakers, or STAX SR-009 headphones.

There are many more important adjustments that screw up the sound.

Start with those first, and listen closely, when making any adjustment.

It takes a lot of listening time, and very, very fine adjustments, for best results.

Most people do not have the patience, or ear, for accurate sound evaluation!