For VPI Unipivot Owners, do you use antiskating?

I have a Scout 1.1 with Ortofon 2M Black. Have always read that unipivot arms do not require antiskating. I don't use mine. Any opinions?
Sringreen, Maybe some day the anti anti-skaters and the anti-skaters will live in harmony together and the world will be a better place!
Just Try It Both Ways!


I use the JMW arm, and have NO twist in the cable, and no "Dangling" weight type anti skate that vibrates.

I hear no inner grove distortion in any of my 2,000 Lp's, through my speakers, or STAX SR-009 headphones.

There are many more important adjustments that screw up the sound.

Start with those first, and listen closely, when making any adjustment.

It takes a lot of listening time, and very, very fine adjustments, for best results.

Most people do not have the patience, or ear, for accurate sound evaluation!

As far as Peter Lederman's advice on anti skate, remember he sells a cartridge with a cactus needle cantilever!

A much more beneficial adjustment is making sure the azimuth is as close to perfection as can be made. Poor azimuth adjustment will give the listen no indication anything is wrong...but the magic happen with it is done correctly.