Not much to add other than i was in the same position that you were a few years ago. Having built my own guitar amps I was comfortable with a soldering iron. I ended up going from a Jolida JD-9 to a Hagermann Bugle2 that I built myself. In hindsight, the Jolida did sound a hair better -- it really had that depth that a good tube amp gives you. However, at ~$100 the bugle 2 really gave it a run (SS even!). I ended up selling the Jolida as the bugle was at the right price / performance spot. I can't say enough good things about it.
I haven't tried the Cornet3, but it launched in a similar way the bugle did - through kickstarter. I plan on going this route soon to hear the difference. I bet the cornet does a better job than the Jolida.
Can't say enough about hagermann stuff. Really good value (esp if you assemble yourself!).