Triplanar vii - upgrade tonearm and ic wiring

I have a triplanar vii
Gavia Galibier table, Zyx Universe cartridge, Doshi Aalap preamp

It sounds fabulous, very revealing and tonally balanced

Are there upgrade options that take the sound even farther?

Or should I leave a great thing alone
Salectric...if you indeed have a Benz LP, run, not walk and get an LPS. The difference is startling.
Stringreen, I would like to get the LP-S but, unless something has changed recently, it isn't available in the US.
Ralph, Do you really think the "old" wire interfered with tracking? That would have to mean also that the path of the wire through the arm wand and then down to the outputs via the vertical path, puts the wire in a position to interfere with the bearing action. I just don't see how that could occur.

Hard to say- the Triplanar with the old wire was already the best radial tracking arm made. But the difference in stiffness of the two wires is easy to see. So if the arm is able to move more freely it must also be able to work better. Such things seem like they are subtle, but after the update it seems that the presentation is more clear. I was never able to get the old arm to mis-track.

I must say the new arm tube is nice too although the 'classic' arm tube again works just fine.