how do you set VTA onthe SME 309 tonearm?

The manual says this is achieved by moving the main pillar up or down by hand but I have tried this with no success.The manual makes no mention of anything that must be loosened; such as a hex bolt or screw. Help!!
From the two pics posted, it looks like a standard hex wrench with a center-drilled hole to let it slip over the tamper-resisting post in the center of the bolt.

If you can't find one online or from an SME dealer, worst case would be to DIY. You'd need a drill press with work clamp and a very hard bit. Any machine shop could do it in about 2 minutes, including the metal shop in the local high school/trade school. Please wear eye protection!

But really, they should be readily available...
You guys are making this way too complicated...

Not sure where audio779 disappeared to, but if he purchased the tonearm new then he already has the proper hex wrench tool. It's the one with the handle like a screwdriver. If he doesn't have the SME tool then a simple 3mm Allen/hex wrench will work. No center drilling required.

Only advantage to the SME tool is that it has rounded corners for convenience in fitting (and turning) the wrench in the bolt heads. SME (UK) or Acoustic Sounds (USA) or Flat Earth Audio (USA) would be glad to sell him a replacement.

To add to Tom's comments above, the OP never asked about a tool. He asked how to set the VTA of the arm. I bet he already has the wrench. He justed needed to know how to raise and lower the arm post.

Tom even showed him where the screws were in the link he provided, so yeah, this got way over complicated...
But isn't it more fun to visit a machine shop and DIY a wrench you already own? ;-)
"04-13-15: Mofimadness
To add to Tom's comments above, the OP never asked about a tool. He asked how to set the VTA of the arm. I bet he already has the wrench. He justed needed to know how to raise and lower the arm post."

Yes, but if you look at the pics carefully, you'll see that they use tamper proof bolts on the vta adjustment. If you don't loosen them there's no way to set vta. You need special sockets. They sell them in Lowes, and they're not expensive.