how do you set VTA onthe SME 309 tonearm?

The manual says this is achieved by moving the main pillar up or down by hand but I have tried this with no success.The manual makes no mention of anything that must be loosened; such as a hex bolt or screw. Help!!
Those really aren't meant to be "tamper proof" screws. They are just what SME uses and the tool is included with all the arms. It's not rocket science.
TKetcham answered the question in full detail early in this thread. Talk about beating a dead horse!
"04-14-15: Yogiboy
TKetcham answered the question in full detail early in this thread. Talk about beating a dead horse!"

Yes, but what good is it going to do for him if he doesn't have the tool you need to do the work?
Zd542,the op never said he did not have the tool. I have the 309 tonearm and it is the same tool used to adjust the tracking force. Why the presumption that he needed the tool? All he asked was how to raise and lower the arm. So yes we are beating a dead horse!
Zd542, you're correct, without the right tool it's impossible to adjust the VTA on a SME 309. Good thing there's a forum like this one where people like Audio779 can ask questions and get some answers. Just like the answers I (and others) provided. Are we missing something?
