EMT JSD 5 or JSD 6?

I've read great reviews and am considering the EMT JSD 5 and JSD 6 to replace a Lyra Kleos that I bought on Audiogon that arrived with a mechanical problem. Does anyone have either the JSD 5 or 6 or has anyone heard both and can tell me what sonic differences they observed? Basically, the 5 has a Geyger S stylus while the 6 is a Super Fine Line, so I'm wondering the advantages/disadvantages of each. I'm also considering the Miyajima Kansui, but am a bit concerned about the low .23mv output requiring a SUT.
Acoustic Sounds lists only the Tsd-15, and TWO choices of JSD-6. One is Gold, and runs about $1K more. They do NOT list the JSD-5 at all.
I used a JSD5 for several years, and Ninetynine's description of the JSD6 pretty much is what I heard through the JSD5, but I have not compared the two. Not the most resolving cartridge, maybe on the warm side of neutral, but among the best for playing music. My view is that a lot of cartridges these days tend to sound closer to (very good) digital in many respects, but the EMT cartridge sounds like analog at its best. I still own it, in reserve for my Air Tight that replaced it.

I would have to imagine that somewhere on the internet there is something that would explain the theoretical differences between the two types of styli.
Yes absolute correct!
2 Weeks ago i tested a VdH on the tonearm where the EMT runs. (Reed 3P) It is a little bit more on the bright side but it sounds rough and grainy compared to the EMT. I think this has to do with the sharp diamond.

EMT tells me, if you have more new vinyl`s go for the JSD5. If you have more older, the JSD6.
Mountainpics, where are you located? There are several US dealers who have the higher end EMT's. I really enjoy the Tsd-15, especially with the A23 Homage SUT. Depending on your tonearm, perhaps certain models may be better than others. I would shoot Tone imports an email. I think JH is the importer pretty much everywhere, and he knows these cartridges well. Ninetynine-Very nice tonearm, I should be hearing one of the Reed arms this weekend. Which turntable do you have your Reed on. Is your JSD-6 the GOLD or Silver body? Cheers -Don
By the way, EMT also has a small and (at least at the time) relatively inexpensive SUT made specifically for the JDS cartridges. When I had a Lamm LP 2 Deluxe this step-up was a slight but noticeable improvement over the Lamm's built-in step up transformer for its MC stage (my current phono stage is only set up for MC, so I sold the SUT). If you get the cartridge I'd suggest considering the SUT, depending on your phono stage. It was that good.