EMT JSD 5 or JSD 6?

I've read great reviews and am considering the EMT JSD 5 and JSD 6 to replace a Lyra Kleos that I bought on Audiogon that arrived with a mechanical problem. Does anyone have either the JSD 5 or 6 or has anyone heard both and can tell me what sonic differences they observed? Basically, the 5 has a Geyger S stylus while the 6 is a Super Fine Line, so I'm wondering the advantages/disadvantages of each. I'm also considering the Miyajima Kansui, but am a bit concerned about the low .23mv output requiring a SUT.
Hi Fjn04,

i have a Dr. Feickert Blackbird with the silver JSD-6.
Maybe i make some pictures tonight.
Nandric, do you know where the Gyger and Super Fineline cantiliver-diamond is manufactured?
Ninetynine, The old Fritz Gyger established Gyger company
in Bern , Switzerland. Styli production was a small part
of the company with questioanable profits. But he asked Van
den Hul to design a modern stylus for his company. Van den
Hul designed first the Gyger I with the vertical radius of
85 microns and the horizontal radius of only 2 microns. This
stylus was very difficult to produce so Van den Hul designed
Gyger II with 40 microns vertical and 7 microns horizontal.
This stylus was also difficult to produce so the 3th version
was the 'S' stylus. I am not sure if Gyger is still in business.
My friend Axel Schurholz (re-tip service) is not
able to order any from Gyger. In his stock he still has some
but those are bought long ago. EMT is obviously also out of
their stock so there are no new EMT carts with Gyger styli
available. Lukatschek from Benz also changed his styli and
use instead of Gyger 'S' the micro ridge (from Japan).
I have no idea who produces the fine line for the EMT.