If you need to replace your older panels on Martin Logan speakers.You will get a sticker shock.They have tripled their price.Really sad.This will drive the price of resale down.Bad move on ML part.
Shouldn't you practice what you preach?
Second the motion. It's hypocritical to lecture someone to leave politics out of the discussion and then immediately follow with a tit-for-tat.
Thank you Mateored, lets keep politics in this audio forum! Obama was handed an impossible mess to clean up. It hasn't been easy, and it sure ain't pretty. My full time brick and morter business grossed $54.00 this week but I am not blaming Obama for the implosion caused by decades of misguided policies. If he had not done what he did since taking office, our country would be in a much worse state than you could ever imagine. As for Martin logan, they will go the way of Manley labs who also raised prices recently. In the end, the consumer will decide FOR them whether this was a good move or not. I suspect the panel prices were artificially low as a good will gesture to their customers since panel replacement sadly seems to be an inevitable need with their electrostatics. They may have never made much money on them.
I'm not familiar with ML speakers (have only seen them in stores), but why is the replacement cost of panels such an issue. Do they get consumed and need to be replaced every year or 3?

Also, if they need it, can't they be refurbished like other ES panels or dynamic drivers? If so, ML's pricing may create a bus opportunity for one of the repair guru's out there.
+1 Mateored & Hifiharv
Remember, Bobo7- that it was WARREN Buffet (not Jimmy) who said that of course there is class warfare in this country; the rich are waging war on the rest of the country and they are kicking our asses! And that it was the Bush II who thought we could wage 2 wars AND cut taxes w/o driving the country in bankruptcy. Think of it; if the Soviet Union had held on a few more years, we might be the country run by organized crime, with a declining life expectancy and the Soviets might be the sole superpower!!! Imagine them duking it out w the Chinese for world supremacy.
All this discussion and no mention of how much these panels cost to replace. If they were $100, then $300 is not too bad. If they were $1000, then $3000 seems a bit much. If they need to be replaced often and the price seems too high, then their value will drop. Simple as that.

What does politics have to do with it? I agree with the post that said the consumer will ultimately decide if this was a good move by ML.