JVC TT-101 Won't Stop

The Stop button on my recently purchased QL-10 doesn't work. It worked at first after the TT warmed up, but then quit completely. I since have replaced all 37 electrolytic caps on 3 boards, but it made no difference. The power voltages are correct. The button itself is fine and shorts pins 6 and 9 of the P8 connector on the main board, but the motor doesn't stop. What could be wrong? Any particular transistor or adjustment? Please help! -Alex
Safesphere, I am bumping your thread. I did some re-wiring on my TT101 over the weekend, also found a bad electrolytic capacitor on one of the PCBs that are mounted under the top cover. (This was the only original lytic that we failed to replace on the first go-around, and it's the only lytic to be found under the top cover.) In the process of "improving" the wiring integrity, my other goal, I screwed up something. I need to ask you about the order of the wires in one of the connectors on that board. I hard-soldered them to the male prongs, because the connector was very loose. Now I fear I may have gotten the order incorrect. I will post the parts number for that connector, and maybe you can check yours for a reference. (The wiring is color-coded, as you know.) I turned what was once a rare intermittent problem into a consistent problem. Aaarrrggghhh!!!
Safesphere and anyone else with a dismantled TT101,
The connector in question is nearest to IC810 on the Crystal PC Board Assembly, TDC-7B. This PCB is located under the top circular piece that surrounds the platter. TDC-7B is depicted on page 31 of the owner's manual. The order of the four wires going into this connector, as I have it, is: brown, (space), orange, yellow, green. Please check, if you can do it without much trouble.

Upon second look, I think I've got it correct, but I am grasping at straws, trying to figure out what I did that could have worsened my problem. I cannot find anything else that could be causing my TT101 to upchuck. Thanks.
I find it useful to take lots of digital photos before I work on equipment. Quick and easy and can save a lot of time.
I did just that. Unfortunately I had unplugged this particular connector before taking a photo of that part of the PCB. Anyway, I hope Safesphere or some other TT101 owner responds, but if not, I do have the service manual which with some effort can be used to confirm the color codes of the wires. Actually, I am nearly certain I made no mistake, just grasping at straws here. Very weird.
After re-soldering the eyelites & running fine for 6 months or so, My TT-101 has started having same issues with the stop button. Did you come to a fix for it?