Why no Spectral phono stage?

I was wondering if some of you may know the REAL reason why Spectral does not have a phono in they're production?
Seems as though it is not for want of interest?!
Given Dr. Johnson's role in digital recording technology, (HDCD, etc.) perhaps focusing on analog playback strategically isn't of interest to Spectral.

Ack, thank you. My knowledge of Spectral's designs is limited to what I've read at their website and in reviews. You may find the comments by me, Atmasphere, and a number of others in this thread to be of interest, if you haven't seen it already.

An excerpt from one of my posts in that thread dated 2-6-15:
... slew rate, risetime, and bandwidth will in the case of many designs extend well beyond the point of being overkill with respect to effects that may have DIRECT audible significance. The Spectral amplifiers being extreme examples in that respect. As I'll get into in a moment, though, that does not necessarily mean that the only benefit is to those who write marketing literature....

So why have I put the word “directly” in caps? Well, I would presume the designers feel that by designing ultra-fast circuitry they can avoid or minimize effects which may be audibly significant. For example, they may be able to realize the benefits of increased amounts of negative feedback while avoiding or minimizing what would normally be its adverse effects, such as transient intermodulation distortion. Or the higher speed circuitry might help to minimize crossover distortion, or the effects of unwanted energy storage in devices, etc.

So what can be said about that? Well, it’s an approach, and a philosophy. As is usual in audio, how good or bad the results are will depend on quality of implementation, system matching, and listener preference.
In the case of their power amplifiers, my speculation would be that the main contributor to the subjective perception of speed that is generally attributed to them is the avoidance or minimization of TIM (transient intermodulation) distortion that might otherwise be a consequence of the use of negative feedback. Rather than the perceived speed being a consequence of the ultra-wide bandwidth in itself. Reduced TIM means "cleaner" transients, and it would seem expectable for that to correlate with subjectively "faster" performance.

Designs having ultra-wide bandwidth have their potential downsides, however, certainly in terms of additional challenges that have to be faced in the design process. And perhaps also in terms of additional challenges that might have to be faced by the user, to the extent that there may be increases in sensitivity to RFI, speaker cable capacitance, AC power quality, etc.

The potential benefits of their ultra-wide bandwidth approach seem to me to be mainly applicable to power amps, though. I'm not sure what the benefits of ultra-wide bandwidth might be for preamps or phono stages (as opposed to bandwidths of say 200 kHz or thereabouts, that being a factor of 10 greater than the supposed upper limit of human hearing, and therefore arguably high enough to eliminate the possibility of audibly significant phase shifts). But I don't doubt that with sufficiently good engineering excellent results can be obtained for those kinds of components with their approach, while also being obtainable with other approaches.

-- Al
Hi Al,

yes, I followed that thread back then, and this is why I thought I would point you to whatsbestforum.com. In fact, I referenced some key posts of yours in a related thread there - see http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showthread.php?16704-Spectral-2000-3000&p=304684&viewfull=1#post304684

I happen to be very technical as well and can appreciate truly well-founded claims, and yours are at the top. The forum could really use your technical expertise, plus I find the discussions overall to be very high quality (Ralph is active on it too)!
Thanks very much, Ack, for the nice words both here and at the other forum. And for the invite to join there. I'll have to pass on it for the foreseeable future, though, as I'm probably already devoting more time than I should to my participation here :-)

Thanks again. Best regards,
-- Al
It's been over 2 years since these posts. Any word on a Spectral Phono Preamp? I love my DMC-20 Phono Stage, and it's still one of the best I've heard, but I'd really like to upgrade to a stand-alone phono preamp that does that plus more.