Goodbye ZYX Airy 3

A recent ad on the Audio Asylum from SoraSound, tells of selling off the last of the ZYX R1000Airy3 SB cartridges for $1875 (was $3000).

This was about the same price that 2Juki sold them for, for years (also now gone).

Sad to see this expensive (but not absurd) gem go!

The Airy 3 had many fans and good reviews.

The Airy 3 has been replaced by the Airy 3 Premium line, introduced over a year ago. The Premium is about $1000 more.

Oddly there have been no reviews, and very little user info on the premium line that I can find. Are these "new" premium models actually better??? What is up?

SoraSound seems to "push" their own, "Universe" versions instead.

Please review the following:
1. ZYX pays its production costs in yen.
2. ZYX sells to one US distributor, who pays in yen or dollars depending on their agreement.
3. The distributor's US customers pay in dollars.
4. As only one currency exchange occurs (dollars-to-yen), this is the only currency exchange rate that affects the final price to a US customer.

In your view, which of the above is incorrect and why?

If a seller is falsifying serial numbers then he's dishonest. That's reason enough for me to avoid him, regardless of price savings or other temptations. Call it naive, but that's how I was raised.
Do you think that Yen prices stay same back than and now? Forget the exchange rate and your other facts that are irrelevant.
In other words, if we have let's say x amount of dollar per product, than no matter what is the currency status the price per imported product may still be much more expensive. Check other dollar depended currencies -- pretty much same situation... Purchasing products from Europe still too much $