First in line...

At the moment I can't afford to upgrade both so which is best to upgrade first, arm or cartridge...?

I'm currently using an upgraded Origin Live Onyx/Audio Technica AT33EV & Roksan Xerxes 20plus.
"06-03-15: Bpoletti
Infection - There's nothing wrong with the 33EV, the arm and cart are top drawer. Your analog front end is not the problem."

You can't know that. As far as the OP's TT setup goes in reference to it being "top shelf", what are you using for a reference? His current setup is good, but its still at the low end of the spectrum in terms of price and SQ. Just to be clear, I'm not saying the OP's analog front end is bad. I'm saying there are substantial gains to be had with a component upgrade. Since we don't have access to the OP's system, all we can do is give our best guess as to what the problem is.
Properly set up, the OP's analog front end is VERY good. There is not much to be gained.

However, there is a lot that can be gained downstream.

Who cares about price but audio snobs? It's performance that counts.
"Who cares about price but audio snobs?"

How did I know you were going to say that? The minute someone mentions price, they turn into a snob. I realize this is a very unusual concept, but in some extremely rare cases, a step up in quality will raise the price of the item because it costs more to make.

"Properly set up, the OP's analog front end is VERY good. There is not much to be gained."

If you think you can't do much better than what the OP now has, you're absolutely clueless.

Just to save time, your reply to this post will be.

"In many cases, a higher price doesn't always mean better sound. Sometimes a less expensive component will sound better than a more costly one."

My reply: I agree. But I still stand by my statement. If you look at it in context, it makes sense. If you take it out of context just to win an argument, I really don't know what to say other than you're acting like a little kid.
"How did I know you were going to say that? The minute someone mentions price, they turn into a snob. "

Because you made a point of talking about price and being critical of equipment because it didn't cost a lot, cost didn't measure up to your price point.
"Because you made a point of talking about price and being critical of equipment because it didn't cost a lot, cost didn't measure up to your price point."

As usual, wrong again. And this time you have to know you're wrong. If I made the comments you say I did, why not just quote them? Lets look at what I really did say about the OP TT setup, and not what you wish I said so you can be right.

"Your setup seems to be pretty well matched. Nothing really stands out as a weak link."

"His current setup is good, but its still at the low end of the spectrum in terms of price and SQ. Just to be clear, I'm not saying the OP's analog front end is bad. I'm saying there are substantial gains to be had with a component upgrade."

Maybe english isn't your first language. The only thing I'll clarify for you, again, is that my 2nd quote listed was made with the intent to counter your jackass statement that gains won't be made with an equipment upgrade.

Why don't we just leave it alone and move on? You're the only one here that "doesn't understand" my triple clarified statement. If you don't understand it now, you never will.