Have you had buyers/sellers back out of a deal?

Hi All,
Have you had a buyer or seller ever back out of a deal?
If so, would you please post your experience to this thread?
I don't know about you, but I've had this happen before and am WAY tired of the situation.

There are a LOT of RESPONSIBLE, REALLY nice folks on this site with good communication skills. And I've had, and I'm sure you too, have had some good experiences buying, selling, and just exchanging information.

But when someone makes an AGREEMENT to purchase or sell an item, and everything has been finalized, breaking/"changing their mind" to that agreement is called a BREACH or DEFAULT of contract.
At best, this wastes our time. At worst, we may have committed to sell a piece of gear to someone else in anticipation of getting the piece from the breached deal.

So what should we be able to do about this situation???

Did you know that this is NOT one of the FOUR situations that warrants negative feedback to be posted against someone's account here?!?

If you've had a similar thing happen to you, and would like to at least be able to post negative when/if it does, tell us about it please?
And also give your suggestions on what action could be taken (I'm sure this will get some interesting responses!) :-) to help keep this from happening in the future?

Thanks and Happy Listening!
I backed out of selling a pair of maggie 3.5R to a seller for his rudeness and lack of respect for my wife and myself.
He was going to pick them up and I told him not to bother in that I did not want him in my house! I then sold them to the next buyer and I drove two hours to deliver them. He was very appreciative and paid me extra even though I had not asked him for it.
I would do the same all over again! By the way(non-buyer) he gave me negative feedback.
My realistic viewpoint is that there are all types of people, just like in "brick & mortar" retail. Some flake and some don't. Anyone who has done retail consumer sales can tell you that people are nuts. On here, a deal is never completed until I have the money or the product. Can't be disappointed if the deal doesn't go down. It's the price you pay for having practical access to a world full of buyers/sellers!
If anyone is referring to me regarding me not leaving feedback for the guy that didn't ship me the subwoofer after I waited three weeks, well I may have to go public with some information because it's been two months and I still haven't received a refund from the manufacturer who transacted the deal.

While I promised not to leave negative feedback, I realize that I'm doing a disservice to my fellow Audiogoners by not leaving a warning.

If I don't get my 1900 bucks soon, I will reveal in a thread the name of the Audiogoner and manufacturer involved.

Funny that the OP posted this as I have had at least a half dozen buyers back out on US Audiomart.  In hundreds of transactions I have never had this happen on AG or Ebay but it seems to be the norm on USAM.  I get it, USAM is the outlier in that they don't charge for ads but this is ridiculous.  In all cases the buyer made an offer to which I responded and it went downhill from there.  Sometimes the buyer disappeared, other times they told me they would make payment, never to send it, after which they either disappeared or informed me they were backing out of the deal.  USAM discourages negative feedback unless either the goods or money is exchanged.   When I reported them to USAM nothing essential happened, so buyers can act dishonestly with impunity while I am left to wait and try to communicate with the buyer, all the while discouraging other offers while waiting for payments that sometimes do not appear.  I will NEVER deal with USAM which is the Wild Wild West of audio sales websites.  You get what you pay for I guess.