Good, better, best. VPI Classic 1 accessories and upgrades.

The time has come! Here and now. The venerable Thorens VN-150 (Vinyl nirvana gussied up) Is going to be replaced with a VPI classic 1. Vinyl Nirvana, I like that…
The available accessories and upgrades are being bandied about and I'm interested in which ones you more experienced VPI owners would recommend. The HRX center weight and dustcover are on my must-have list with these others as maybes:
HRX ring peripheral weight
HRX feet
3D tonearm

Look forward to your input and Enjoy the tunes!
The nice thing about a VPI is the upgradeability. The bad thing about a VPI is the upgradeability.

You need to understand they ain't cheap, and the better ones are more expensive. The sds, platter and motor are each a grand or more. You need those. Start saving. then the ring & weight. Now the arm. Sweet rig. Good things cost money.
If you're getting the LATEST model, you can't use the SDS.
It's updated with a 600rpm DC motor. If you want to use the SDS the motor is replaced with the 300 rpm AC motor,along with the pulley.

I have the latest model. If I feel like tweaking my table, I will do the mod along with the Phoenix Roadrunner setup.Just as accurate as the VPI for less.

My table is on brass footers(Mapleshade)which rests on a 4" maple slab.

IMO, I would spend as much you can tolerate cart wise.
Also,the table is worthy of being plugged into a phono stage equal to its retail. Mine is the Fosgate tubed.
I think you should spring for the 3d arm first. I purchased one for my Classic 3 and could not be happier.

With the Classic's fixed motor I don't think you really need the SDS.

Fremer's review says the speed is very accurate.
Already mentioned but if you have a newer one with the 600rpm motor you can't use the SDS; it has a simplified version of SDS built in. I measured mine using the platter speed app/AP test record (mildly warped!) and indeed it is very accurate.

I would get the 3D arm first. This is going to make the biggest sonic difference. Unfortunately, it is also the most expensive.

After that I feel the ring/HRX weight is next best. I have them on mine and feel the improve things, especially with not quite flat or very thin pieces of vinyl.
All your inputs are helpful and on the money. After a little more due diligence, I also see that the SDS is likely unnecessary with the new Classic. A fair amount of my record collection is aged nicely (like me!), so the periphery weight seems like a good first step.

The Soundsmith Zephyr looks like a good place to start as a cartridge.

The 3D arm is definitley pricey, but may be worth the price. What are the improvements/differences you hear with it?

I recently sold my extra EdenSound BearPaws, but think that a wall mounted myrtlewood shelf will provide good isolation....