Where Coming Back

Article in the New York Times today indicating big buck audio is coming back.


However, the 'product placement' in the article are lo fi.
I listen to my daughters Ipod on occasion when out of the house and gotta say an Ipod touch these days with decent earbuds is probably more enjoyable than most stereos from 30-40 years ago. I hope we don't go back to those.
Where other than here would anyone pine for "big buck" anything to come back.

Yes, that's what I want, for everything to cost even MORE than it usually does already. :^<
Like many "assignment" type articles, it really doesn't tell the uninformed all that much, and for those who are more in the know (ourselves), it's sort of a bland rehash, with a few "real life" examples trotted out to support the writer's position.
I do believe that quality sound reproduction will be sustained in it's current (and past) limited form by those who inherit the interest from parents or other friends or realtives, or simply because they stumbled upon it accidentally like the one young man in the article, and then their love of music leads them to persue it further.