Oh where or where have all the buyers gone?

Has anyone noticed that NOTHING is selling around here anymore? Not just around here, but used audio in general is taking a big hit and there is a ton of merchandise that is for sale that never even gets a response.

I have put several items up for sale at very aggressive pricing and have had little or no replies from buyers. Sure the views are high, lots of lookers but all of the buyers have just disappeared. Am I imagining this or are others observing the same things?
It is not just used equipment that has slowed
down.As a dealer,just about anything that would be
considered"hi end" has just about come to a dead
stop.No doubt the Hi End market shrinks
considerably every year,and a good deal of "brick
and Mortar" stores have become a memory.When you
have major store like SBS trying to dump Krell on
the internet you know things are not all that
hot.Besides the fact I see more and more items
being sold here as"New" that are not even suppose
to be sold on the net.Most dealers including
myself are going through a much harder time than
last year.

Whatever "Hi end "items that do sell,salesmanship
has become a key word,even on the net.I have never
gone through as many emails requesting info on a
particular piece,explaining details,answering
questions,before a sale might be closed.I think
since 9/11 and the slow recovery of the economy
has put a damper on buying any luxury items
ie.audio/video products,jewelry,ect has become a
more though out decision.

Looking at my personal emails from clients I am
getting offers that just would never even have
been considered legitimate last year at this
time.Even here on Audiogon I see items going for
less than they should be.With the problem of
inventory by manufactureres,lack of stock by
distributors, and the general nervousness of the
consumer I think this is going to be tough year.

I think outlet stores like PC richards,Circuit
City ect move merchandise but at a much less
profit margin.I have been in to # of them and they
will actualy knock off the asking price before the
customer even asking.That would never have
happened last year.On top of that you have
products that are anticipated,with great fanfare
and they just do not come.I can think of one
particular item that I have had presales for and
the wait has just been too long and the customers
are asking for their deposits back.

I am sure it will turn around,but the question is
May be the items you list are not exactly in high demand, even in the best of times. I mean, how many folks are going to jump at the chance to pay $600 for a pair of speaker jumper cables?
I will echo some of what is already said.

What is it, season and economy.

If you have a disired item, it is probably going to sell. I believe sales are seasonal.

I have a pair of TDL speakers listed for what I consider a great price, but TDL isn't widely known; I have had numerous "lookers" but no buyers. A friend listed some B&W 804's and sold them in an hour and a half.

As for seaonal, I listed an amp last year and struggled to sell it for what I wanted, a few months later and people were selling them easily at that price.