Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....

Many years ago (say 15??) Michael Fremer recommend his way of cleaning vinyl records. It was a process that started with the VPI cleaner and solutions and finishing with some dry pads (don’t remember the name) and another run on the VPI (I think). Does anyone remember the process??
P.S. I checked his site and don't see it there?


RWD (Rick)
Slaw: I'm frankly a little confused by your serial comments. I don't remember saying anything about El Camino, but my recollection is, it was a horrible recording, and deliberately so- to give it that garage/lo-rent sound. If I remember, it was the Danger Mouse behind the wheel on that one. He's done some good music, e.g Gnarls Barkley, but I've never listened to it on my rig (I actually have a vinyl copy of The Odd Couple, but haven't gotten around to playing it yet). Also have nothing to offer on Ric Ocasek- a friend represented The Cars back in the day, and I remember that their first album was great, but haven't heard it in years.
As to my comment about Frogman, I think his point, and mine, is that you can discuss music without making it a competition or a 'right or wrong' proposition. I hope that's OK, since I'm really not interested in arguing any of this.
Whart: Please explain for me, why you just stated, (something like) "Frogman gave you a solid",...

I really feel that statements such as these, without "personal backup" of those statements, serve only to "stir the pot" rather than reach a valid conclusion! Would you not agree? Kind of reminds me of Qdrones comments? Hey?
It's one thing to talk the talk, another to walk the walk. I've walked the walked, all by myself and am armed and ready to defend my positions on my own, thank you very much!
I've got the time, I've got the will, I've got the collection, I've got the (personal) experience,I've got nothing to lose. (Except maybe that most here seem to want to have other's experience as their reference! I have my own experience as my reference!!
There are some silly posts here in need of correction/clarification:

First of all, I never wrote that the KLAUDIO machine "pits" records. You can read the review here for yourself:


The inference that anything I do write is ad driven is offensive and just plain idiotic. Right: I'll sell my credibility for an ad. If you believe that...well fine, enjoy...

Had the KLAUDIO arrived first I'd have bought that. It is better built and had some better features. However I continue to prefer the roller fluid applicators and the mild surfactant that the KLAUDIO warns against using BUT both are great.

Let's see what else I've "learned" thanks to this thread:

I use a Keith Monks machine (not true).
I use an elaborate cleaning regimen that takes forever and described it in a story I wrote (not true).

The great part of this thread is that others first corrected these errors.

But one last thing: someone wrote that I have done a "...great job marketing myelf."

Nothing could be further from the truth. I have NEVER "marketed" myself. Ever. Wherever I am in this business (and that place is for others to judge) is simply the result of how people have responded to what I've written for all of these many (I started at TAS in 1986) years and nothing more. I had no "game plan", "20 year plan", or any kind of ambition in this business.

I did, however, believe when I started that vinyl is the most musically satisfying format to sit down and listen to and I still do. So I advocated that, even though I was advised by all that I would be heading towards a dead end....

So all i can say is that the best part of wherever it is that I am (and from what I can see it's a pretty good place!) is the result of how others read me and not because of anything willful on my part...