Electron microscope slow-motion video of vinyl LP

Speaking of electron microscopes, all should know that the ultimate platform for you vinyl rig is an electron microscope platform, costs about $10K, but it tame all vibrations.
You can also get a tabletop Vibraplane unit, big enough to hold a turntable. I think the tabletop models are in the $3500-5500 range

Here's a Positive Feedback Online review/summary (from 5 years ago) of some of the industrial vibration isolators that can be used with turntables.
I need an electron microscope video of my wallet to understand where all the money goes. 😲
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how mass on a spring works nor does it take deep pockets to implement such a device. Case in point: bungee cords.
That is cool and HERE'S a guy that makes vacuum tubes by hand. Amazing if you've never seen it.