Who remembers the FULTON cables?

Back when I was a teen starting in this hobby, I remember that there was speaker cable by FULTON that was so thick, people referred to it as "welding" cable. Does anyone know what it sounded like? I would think rolled off with powerful bass. Perhaps diameter-wise, some of today's cable is even thicker.
Yes I had them,used them on Acoustat3 speakers, and CJ power amp,I eventually had to snip the ends to make them more conventional, more like spade lugs.

I also remember having to find ways so that their weight didn't take some of my other amps off the rack.

I had a pair of the Brown Fultons as well,which were more manageable.

Sonically,compard to what I've used since,I'd say they were better than zip cord,but I most likely wouldn't be as impressed today as I was then.
Nothing said "audiophile you have arrived", like those old Golds.
One important fact not mentioned above is that Fulton's cables all came in precise lengths which were multiples of 57" (plus a small fraction). This was true of both interconnects and speaker cables. The speaker cables worked out to roughly 14' and 28' and the interconnects were 57". There was a major controversy at the time as to whether the Fulton cables would sound as good if they were a different length. I remember reading in Stereophile many years ago that one Fulton owner had trimmed a foot or so off his Gold speaker cables and reported that they then sounded just like zip cords but with better bass. I never had any Fulton wires in my system due to the cost, but I heard them many times in other systems with Fulton speakers.
Yes! Had them on a set of Beveridge speakers. Very grainy. Cables have come a long way since then.
I believe it is Dennis Fraker of Serious Stereo who also dotes upon the 'correctness' of that 57 1/4" length (or multiples/divisions thereof). I myself can neither confirm nor deny.
I have had a bunch of this cable for years haven't used them them in years . I have a ton of it like 8 - 8 foot cables 4 sets I put new heavy lugs on one end and banana plugs on the others I used to use them in a bi amp and they were great for bass. I just swapped some stuff around on my system so I pulled them out and put them on. bass is very good I must say. but not sure about the rest seems ok. but lacking in highs and detail I would say. I will swap to other cables tomorrow or later and compare. if anyone has a use for this stuff you pay shipping and you can have it. it has to weigh 30 lbs I bet 20 for sure.