"If a cable makes a significant audible difference it must be altering the signal" said Ojgalli, among other tings.
Yes, and what ? Sophisme.
That only means that there are almost perfect (not alterning signal cables), and others which do alterate, more or less).
For myself, I have just tested different cables with the same outfit :
1) ok, the most expensive cables are not always the best ones, for sure - it's not a rule...like for everything !
It can even happen to be the opposite, sometimes - but not as often as I wish !
But the best are always among the expensive ones.
2) but there are important differences between less expensive and most expensive cables.
The average of the upper ones is much above the under ones.
3)Never forget, beyond that, that among each category, the active outfit is decisive.
NB It's the story of the half-full or half-empty glass, as truth, absolute, are never reached or measurable, objective.
A half-empty glass mind just says : cable is nothing, it has to be good, and it's ok, really nothing more;
a half-full glass mind says : cable is very important.
It's very difficult to make one which is reliable and don't pollute the sound.
Long, hard research, which has its prize.
Yes, and what ? Sophisme.
That only means that there are almost perfect (not alterning signal cables), and others which do alterate, more or less).
For myself, I have just tested different cables with the same outfit :
1) ok, the most expensive cables are not always the best ones, for sure - it's not a rule...like for everything !
It can even happen to be the opposite, sometimes - but not as often as I wish !
But the best are always among the expensive ones.
2) but there are important differences between less expensive and most expensive cables.
The average of the upper ones is much above the under ones.
3)Never forget, beyond that, that among each category, the active outfit is decisive.
NB It's the story of the half-full or half-empty glass, as truth, absolute, are never reached or measurable, objective.
A half-empty glass mind just says : cable is nothing, it has to be good, and it's ok, really nothing more;
a half-full glass mind says : cable is very important.
It's very difficult to make one which is reliable and don't pollute the sound.
Long, hard research, which has its prize.