Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???

While i have my opinions on this subject, i'd love to hear from others that have tried various methods of "burning in" cables, what was used to do it, what differences were noticed ( if any ), etc... Please be as specific as possible. If your a "naysayer" in this area, please feel free to join in BUT have an open mind and keep this thread on topic. Sean
Sean; thanks for the Mobie info. I believe I have a Music Direct catalog, and will check for Mobies-- sounds vaguely venereal: ). Craig.
Ontario - There is more to my post than sarcasm. Stirring water in a swimming pool and expecting that to change the water's characteristics is a fair analogy to sloshing electrons back and forth in a wire and expecting that to change the electron's (or wire's) characteristics.

Oddly, it seems that the more preposterous the belief, the less likely an explanation of why it is preposterous will be useful.
Steve, once again you have failed to post ANY information that supports your point of view other than an analogy ( a poor one at that ). While we are all open to various points of view ( that's why we openly discuss different areas of interest here ), making claims with no personal experience or points of reference are typically dismissed as "bullshit", "hype" or "propoganda". As such, both sides of this argument may be guilty of doing all of the aforementioned, but there are FAR more proponents with first hand experience on the "wire DOES break in / cables do sound different" side of the fence.

Once again, we are asking YOU or one of the others that promote similar ideologies to enlighten us and point us in the right direction, i.e. documented evidence of what happens to various metals when low level voltages and current are applied for various amounts of time. We are also asking you to cite data that verifies that, given trained listeners that are familiar with the equipment under test, that sonic differences amongst various wires, cables, etc... could not be detected. Remember, i said "trained listeners" and not "Bubba" off of the street. By doing so, you will not only be supporting your claims but may also recruit more people through the presentation of said scientific research and statistical analysis. Until you or one of your cohorts can produce such evidence, you will simply be viewed as an agitator that is crying wolf by the majority that frequent this site.

I am NOT trying to confront you as an individual. I am simply trying to clarify that NEITHER of us can PROVE our points of view. As such, neither SHOULD be presented as fact. Most here are wise enough and have enough first hand experience to draw their own conclusions without the need for anyone else to tell them what is wrong or what is right. As such, your presentation does not put us on the defensive, as there are more believers than non-believers. Quite to the contrary, it puts your "team" in the corner. Until your "team" can demonstrate to the majority that we are all "deaf goofs with more dollars than sense", the majority here will continue to trust their ears and first hand experiences. Sean
There have been numerous testimonials at various Audiogon chats regarding the "conversion" of staunch opponents to the "cables make a difference" group. Every story always goes something like, "For 20 years I did not believe that...... until I heard..... and could not believe my ears.....I apologize to all I may have offended..... and now happily enjoy my system more than ever". To all the "blinded by science" group, why not accept that there are significant improvements to be had by choosing a cable that synergizes with peoples systems, and find the science to prove why, instead of denying the experience of thousands of audiophiles who really have no axe to grind, but simply know what they are hearing?
Very straightforward and honest post Bmpnyc. Thanks for summing up all of my ramblings : ) Sean