Audiofrk, I have a Duo-Tech and a Mobie. While the Duo-Tech is more versatile in terms of what you can hook up to it and "burn in", I prefer the Mobie.
As to Steve's question, what else would a "good" engineer do when something doesn't "feel right" even though it is functionally perfect ? They "tweak" and "re-engineer" !!!
By this, i mean altering components by make, model or specifications, re-arrange component & wire layout, try various voltage and bias levels, etc... Call it "circuit evolution", "upgrading", "modifying", etc... but it takes place EVERY day. They do this until they feel comfortable with the results and then send out the unit for production.
Those that DON'T take the time to refine and perfect their products are simply the "whores" of the industry and out to make a quick buck. This is why we have "off the shelf" companies like Pioneer, Kenwood, Technics, etc... and "refiners" like many of the "esoteric" or "specialty" brands. This is not to say that crooks and shysters don't abound in either circle, some more than others.
For reference purposes, let's go back to a piece of "audio history". We'll use the Perreaux PMF series of amps. The PMF-2150 was the first production stereo amp to use Mosfets for output devices. By doing further refinement using the same basic output circuitry but "finessing" the overall design, Peter Perreaux was able to DRASTICALLY alter EVERY aspect of the amp. He played games with the power supply, voltage & bias levels and lay-out of the parts. His "re-design" of the same basic circuit ( same type and number of output devices per channel as the original 2150 ) was called the PMF-3150.
As such, the 3150 performs NOTHING like the 2150. ANYONE that has listened to these two amps within the same system will testify to this fact. ANYONE that looks inside the amps will easily be able to see their similarities due to the majority of parts that were retained. At the same time, they would also notice the differences due to those same parts being configured quite differently within the chassis. Besides ALL of that and what is most important to YOU, the units also MEASURE very differently. Same chassis, majority of the same components, very similar designs in terms of schematics but quite different performance overall.
This brings us to another point. Since most "basic" audio designs have already been done, all that is left for most companies to do is to "tweak" or put THEIR "signature" onto an existing topology, circuit or design. As you are well aware, there are only a "few" folks that are truly "stretching" the audio design "cookbook". With that in mind, most of these "new models" are simply refinements and improvements to "tried & true" models. As such, some of these "new models" do sound MUCH better than the originals even though they might MEASURE poorer or make use of parts that share the same exact "parts values". As such, we've come a LONG way even though much of it "appears" to be the same. Sean