Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???

While i have my opinions on this subject, i'd love to hear from others that have tried various methods of "burning in" cables, what was used to do it, what differences were noticed ( if any ), etc... Please be as specific as possible. If your a "naysayer" in this area, please feel free to join in BUT have an open mind and keep this thread on topic. Sean
702 sez, among other tings:

"If you've listened to recordings, attended concerts, gone to films, seen a Broadway show, or watched TV in the past 20 years there's a good chance you've heard some things I've been a part of developing."

so *that* explains why there's etched highs, unnaturally forward midrange, over-boosted mid-bass, compressed dynamics, flat soundstage in so much commercial audio... ;~)

sorry, couldn't resist; doug s.

I have a question for the type of engineer to whom Sean is giving Kudos.... When you have designed an amplifier that has very low harmonic and intermodulation distortion, no transient imtermodulation distortion, low noise, stable under all loads, flat frequency response, low phase shift, in other words when all the specs are great; what kinds of things do you think about changing when you decide that it doesn't sound very good?
THANK YOU Steve for posting this question. While i don't have time to respond right now, BELIEVE me, i WILL when i get back from work tonight. Sean
Anyone know where to buy a DuoTech?
I seem to remember hearing that they don't make them anymore, but maybe someone out there knows...
Afrk: Sorry I have no answer for you regarding DouTech. Music Direct has Mobie in stock, but insists on list price. I was able to order the Mobie from AudioNut @15% discount, but it's backordered. No big savings, but M.D. acted so snobbish on the phone that I couldn't stomach the attitude & went to AudioNut instead. G&D transforms will sell directly to the consumer, FYI.