Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???

While i have my opinions on this subject, i'd love to hear from others that have tried various methods of "burning in" cables, what was used to do it, what differences were noticed ( if any ), etc... Please be as specific as possible. If your a "naysayer" in this area, please feel free to join in BUT have an open mind and keep this thread on topic. Sean
Frap: Don't worry about your rating. I just looked at mine for the first time and I have a -10!!! I just don't understand what I've said that is so offensive.
Kev, there are at least TWO psychiatrists amongst us. Maybe they could recommend a suitable canine colleague. You must move fast: your dog's residual audio memory surely has its limits.

Sean, sorry: pls excuse this departure from seriousness.
Cheers, Greg.
Detlof, where would this site be without you? Thank you for your, as usual, kindness.
Regarding JM, I admit "Blue" as well as "Ladies of the Canyon" and "For the Roses" were the great works of her early folk years, but the middle period that included "Court & Spark" ," Hissing of Summer Lawns"(WOW!!), and "Hejira", she seemed to reinvent herself so to speak. Talk about music that stood the test of time, this was it. "Hejira" though, is rather incredible IN MY OPINION>.........Sorry , I know this has nothing to do with cables....Frank
hey 702, *relax* man, it's a *yoke*! as i said before: "sorry, couldn't resist."

seriously, tho, other than knowing ewe have contributed to the music scene, but knowing *nothing* about your tastes in music *or* equipment, my *yoke* has yust as much chance at being close to the truth as anyting else, for all i know...

regards, doug s.