Stereopile is a shell of its former self, so who really cares anyway? 3 reviews a month, and AV equipment figured prominently? The mag is doomed. I looked through a couple old issues last week for some gear I was interested in, a mere 4 year old issue (1997), and there were nearly a DOZEN full-length, in-depth reviews, all of equipment audionuts would be interested in, a mix of amps, preamps, speakers, cables, tables, CDPs, etc...
Now? It is over for the 'pile.
As for the (paid) reviewers, I certainly will shed no tears over not reading Scull anymore, the guy has a tin ear and is impressed by anything with $$$ for the cost, no matter the sound quality, performance, or lineage. We call someone like that an audio jewelry buff, and not an audiophile.
Fi, you do know many of the staff ended up at TAS, yes? I also liked that mag. Now I only subscribe to BFS, Listener, and TAS, and frankly, even TAS is now getting stale.
Oh well.....