I subscribed to Stereopiles for many years, and then began buying occasional copies on the newstand when there was an article that interested me. Count me in the group that thinks it is time to "blow taps" over this once-proud audio mag. With its founder, J. Gordon Holt, now writing for TAS, most of the crew that is left can't overcome the magazine's rapid slide toward mediocrity and mass-market values. I'd love to see Ultimate Audio resurrected.
Anyway, best wishes to Jonathan Scull. I hardly regarded him as an audio heavyweight, but as someone who has been "laid off" some 6 times in the past 20 years, I commiserate with him.
Truth is, fellow 'philes, our hobby is in dire straits and is losing ground to the home theater juggernaut -- despite the fact that there is better equipment, at lower relative cost, than 10 years ago.
Anyway, best wishes to Jonathan Scull. I hardly regarded him as an audio heavyweight, but as someone who has been "laid off" some 6 times in the past 20 years, I commiserate with him.
Truth is, fellow 'philes, our hobby is in dire straits and is losing ground to the home theater juggernaut -- despite the fact that there is better equipment, at lower relative cost, than 10 years ago.