Stereophile looses Jonathan Scull

General Asylum
FYI, Stereophile looses Jonathan Scull

Posted by Gordon Rankin (M) on March 29, 2002 at 12:39:56
Heard about this yesterday and conformation today from J10 that Primedia (Stereophile's parent company) wanted to slim down it's staff in all magazines let J10 go yesterday.
I have know Jonathan for sometime now and his certain wit will leave Stereophile a little colder than it was before.
Thanks J10 for the bandwith!
J. Gordon Rankin
I agree that his commentary was a bit thin and that the primary criterion for a positive review was price although, hell's bells, the latter could be said about (all genuflect) The HP, as well. His writing style was enjoyable, though, and he had both wit and the ability to laugh at himself, attributes sadly lacking in the we-take-ourselves-ever-so-seriously audiophile press.

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I will miss Scull and his articles, even if I couldn't afford the gear he landed in his pad every month. Since I live in the cultural abyss, the only time I get to hear new gear is CES, other shows, and good mags through the ears of others. Unfortunately, Stereophile is heading the direction of StereoPILE, with the loss of another good set of ears. Dick Olsher, Corey Greenberg (yes, I liked Corey and his "don't take this too serious attitude"), Robert Harley, to name a few of the losses. J-10 needs to call DO and continue to Enjoy the Jallen
No loss,these mags stoped represeting the aveage listner many years ago.They are in bed with the MFGS and deserve the fate they get.
Bound For Sound,Positive Feedback Audiophie Voice,UHF.They still do a good job and are better reads.They also cover stuff the average Joe can actually afford.Not the stuff that The EX Enron Executive's can afford.
Who needs Stereophile anyway when we all have AudiogoN for advice and hands on reviews from a large community of Audiophiles!!

This is the same as the news this week that Maryland Public Television (MPT) is not going to renew Louis Rukeyser's contract. They are going to reshape Wall Street Week for a younger audience with the help of Fortune Maganzine. What a joke. Who will watch the show, when the only thing that resembles the old show is the name. I think MPT really thinks no one will notice and Rukeysers large viewing audience will still tune in. Not me and I doubt anyone else.

Rukeyser has already received a dozen offers from other networks including cable.

Remember the show "Sneak Previews"? It was a movie review program staring Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert. More than a decade ago when PBS replaced them, they started their own show which is still on, and the PBS show without them only lasted a year.