Bwhite, I will draw a comparison between NBS Statement and OTA for you, but, because of recent changes in my mains, and an entirely new phono stage still breaking in, my observations might only have the value of a "fait divers." These two cables are as different as Evian mineral water and a high-voltage battery. I opt for NBS when I want a "fluid" cable that spreads itself over the signal, and will espouse, not explicate the musical reality. I opt for OTA when I want a "crystalline" cable that can waken me to rhythmic inter-relations, from the bottom to the top of the instrumentation. NBS has its grand accents, but ultimately, compared to OTA, it seems to withdraw from certain risks, dangers, annd even depths; OTA has fervor, allows the listener to experience the fascination of the extremes, and can be dynamite. It can reveal impurities in the recording, and all that makes it curious, but, with its superb timing and speed, it can also teach alot about rhythmic inter-relations (as I already said) even in cases where the interpreter was not able to make these most clear in the performance. I used to think that NBS Statement was the greatest of cables; it reaches so far, gives the musicians so much room to play in, and relays so many subtle distinctions, that the cable swallows me up every time I listen with it. OTA sets me free: it makes me able to understand the music, to diagnose the deliriums which have produced it, to dream of imitating them and exaggerating them myself (I am a musician, you should know). NBS gives a great vision, but OTA is a stimulant. I would say that it sets liseners (and esp. musicians) free from an innate paralysis inherent to the seduction techniques of high-end audio. Sure, there is a juggling act in OTA at times, it makes one think of an acrobat, I love its clown-show at times, but its vitality also derives from an inner tension that it is able to project outward. (Note: For all of the stress I have laid on OTA as a cognitive instrument, please do not mistake this as meaning that the cable is "analytic" in the pejorative sense of that word. This cable also creates a deep, visceral involvement. And, do not think that I have itemized argzuments against NBS, favorable to OTA; the value of both of these cables seems to me to emerge intact. Yes, through its price, OTA does have the ability to call the price of Statement into question. But it is not a situation where, if you cannot afford NBS Statement, you need merely buy OTA, at 1/10th the price or less, because these cables have two completely different characters.)