Something I find of intrest is the speaker's he has designed
because he is using Aluminum cast driver's.My speaker's are of that pedigree and I am having a great ime using them with the OTA cable.
I do not think they could be driven by SET amps ,but they sound like nothing I have ever had and they go down to around 32Hz. before needing support.My new speaker's will go even lower and have the same type of driver technology.
This is the review I found of those speaker's.
because he is using Aluminum cast driver's.My speaker's are of that pedigree and I am having a great ime using them with the OTA cable.
I do not think they could be driven by SET amps ,but they sound like nothing I have ever had and they go down to around 32Hz. before needing support.My new speaker's will go even lower and have the same type of driver technology.
This is the review I found of those speaker's.