Cables that cost more than the speakers?

I was reading TAS tonight and noticed that several of their recommended systems utilized speaker cable that retails more than the speakers or amp to which they were connected. One was using the Purist Dominous and another the Kimber KS3038. These are both GREAT cables, but it seems strange to me to hook up a $13k cable to $9.5k speakers.

I guess there will be those that say "Whatever sounds best.", but it is still strange. Does anybody here have a similar SC to speaker ratio? FYI: I'm using Kimber KS-3033s ($2200) with my Talon Khorus($14k).
>>Money in wire first, then equipment ...<<

No, that's just plain wrong. You have it backwards.

Equipment first and wire last. You'll find 9 out of 10 knowledgable audiophiles follow that path.

And that's the name of that tune.
I agree with Aintitgr8. Anyway, I like being the 1 out of 10 that is different. We should start our own club and only let in members that then can prove they spent more on their cables than their components or on the other side just start a cables anomalous. ;-)
You know what's way stranger is $12,000 speakers and cable that costs a few hundred dollars, that's not strange that's dumb. A speaker cannot reveal detail and resolution that is not there because the cable isn't capable of letting it through.

By this definition, I am dumb (along with most musicians, guitar players and pro studios).

My speaker cables are not even close to $100 dollars, more like $30 bucks....plain 'ol shielded 1/4" cables that they use to hook up studio microphones, patch panels, guitars etc. (bought at the local guitar/music store)

The speaker drivers in most high end Hi-Fi systems cost less than the speaker cables....yikes!