Is Acoustic Zen better than Harmonic Tech?

How many people have directly compared these two companys, either in speaker cables, power cords or interconnects.
I recently bought some HT pro 9 biwire speaker cable. I also wanted to add a new power cord to my new Sims Titan 5 channel amp and initially wanted to use the new Fantasy PC from HT. Then I started seeing some reviews about acoustic zen and started questioning the universe (or at least my previous speaker cable choice). Does anyone out there have any knowledge that could help me? Thanks for any help you can give me.
I went from mostly upper level Audioquest and Synergistic Research cables to all Harmonic Technology cables in a system with an Audio Research VT100-MKII, LS25 all with NOS tubes,Quad USA Monitors, and B&W Nautilus 805/REL Stadium speaker combo. With interconnects, I started with Truthlinks, then upgraded to Pro Silway II (I never liked the original Silways..too lean),then to the Magic interconnects. I used shotgun HT Pro9 speaker cables.
After a friend recommended Acoustic Zens, I decided to audition a Zen interconnect. Much to my "distress", the Acoustic Zen Silver Reference interconnects were significantly better than the Magic, especially in the air/ambience area, dynamics, and presenting a noticable improvement in soundstaging. Both the HT Magic and the Acoustic Zen Silver Reference had a great upper extension, but the Acoustic Zen's upper range had a silky (almost wet sounding), airy quality that the Magic could not even hint at. I then tried the A Zen speaker cables (Satori Shotguns) and they too were quite a bit better in my system than shotgun HT Pro 9 speaker cables, especially in soundstaging, extension, and dynamics.
Several qualities of the A Zen cables stood out for me: a silky/airy rendition of the top end, dynamics, and a great ability to place 3D images within a large soundstage. I believe the HT Magic and other HT cables are quite good, but in my system the Acoustic Zen cables simply perform on a higher level.
Thank you Dem. My equipment will be a little different but you have given me some much needed direction.
Anyone tried the HT Magic Reference?

I have and i find it superb. Sadly it is discontinued due to the cost of manufacturing these today, would mean a very high retail cost. I also wonder about IC's that would match this one. As AZ Absolute is all silver, does it not sound a bit lean in bass? Hybrid seems more likely to have the advantage of both worlds. But that is just a thought.
Wow, way to pick up an old thread, Inpieces --

As for my opinion, i have used both HT and AZ and really like both. Depending on my system configuration, I have liked either brand better. Overall sound is similar, although I do think AZ has a slight nod for musicality, but I really really like the HT that i've had in my system, too. Morale: buy some used and do a shoot-off. Sell what you don't like as well. That's what the 'gon is for.
"As AZ Absolute is all silver, does it not sound a bit lean in bass?"

AZ Absolute IC is 1% copper while AZ Silver Reference IC is 3% copper. Bass with Absolute ICs is strong and well controlled/defined - at least with my gear.