Shunyata versus Elrod

I have tried Shunyata Anaconda on my CD. I could not try any cables on my Audio Research VTM200 monoblocks because of the 20 amp IECs they have. I also want to test Elrod PCs. Anaconda made my system very transparent, huge soundstage. However, it somehow made the sound very lean. Now I can here all the details. But, it sounds like the body is gone. The piano sounds so lean (but it is just me... A very detailed sound I am not used to) but I hear every finger movement. Then I tried a Kimber Palladian on my CD. Palladian added body to the sound and subtracted the details. The soundstage was also compressed. Black Mamba was in between the two but the details was lacking. I need the details I get with Anaconda and a little bit of the body I get with Palladian. Question 1: (EPS combination) Would EPS 3 Sig on my CD and EPS 2 Sigs on my monoblocks help me to get the sound I want? Question 2: (Shunyata combination) Would Shunyata Taipan's on my monoblocks help the body of the sound I lossed with Anaconda on my CD? I will put down my system so that you can help me better. My System: Audio Aero Capitole 32 bit/192 kHz Audio Research VTM200s Sonus Faber Amati Kimber Select 3038 Speaker cables and 1130 Interconnects. (AA connected directly to my amps)
Way to go Grant.

I would have to agree. I am a dealer for both Shunyata and Elrod Power Systems. Both are excellent products, but if anyone tells you that any one cable is the answer for all components, they are full of it. It is totally component dependent and although I do not necessarily dispute what Artistic Audio avers, I would have to say the the results would surely differ on different equipment.

Find a local dealer who has a supply of cords for you to try and trust your ears.
Mr. Tinn, I do believe that a well designed cable will work on all components. Companies that design several different cables for amp, preamp, digital ect... are just making things difficult. Either you want to hear what your component is doing, or you want to mask the sound. I prefer to hear all that my components are capable of!
I am a consumer and in my personal opinion, the most desirable power cables for your system are driven by your personal taste, environment, and the synergy that you get with the components and speakers that you are using. Sometimes, room treatment can make a big difference. As others have recommended, it would probably be your best bet to try different cables from on-line and/or store front dealers before buying, if possible. It would be very difficult to project that a cable will work on all your components without knowing your taste, environment, speakers, and all equipment and cables (speaker and interconnect) you are using. Often, music enjoyment comes down to splitting hairs, the finite things we personally look for while listening in our own environment. Many power cables may be superb for some but not ideal to others, case and point.

I have owned Elrod and Shunyata power cables before, and they are different in their own right, and wonderful cables. These manufacturers offer different cable lines, probably based on different price points and to fit different consumer tastes and components.

The positive point is that you seem to know what your listening preferences are. As time goes on and components change, your listening tastes may even change. Many audiophiles never settle for long and express the need to upgrade their sound, myself included.
May I add several more points. Clean power, line conditioning, RFI and EMI, component vibration, and speaker placement are other important things that may affect your system.

In some instances, having the right isolation or de-coupling device or platform under your component may give you the performance you are looking for without making any changes to your components or cables.

Depending upon the sensitivity of your speakers, moving them a fraction of an inch can make a world of difference. Or, room treatment applications can change things dramatically too.

I have a lot of experience with Elrod 3 sig, Kimber Palladian PK10, Annaconda VX, and other assorted AC cords.

I would highly advise you to try Silent Source AC cords. They are distributed by Walker Audio ( Look at the dealer page and give Tom Quayle in Ohio a call.

Anyway, these cords are the best I have ever heard in many, Many, MANY ways. The only cords I can compare these to are the Omega Mikros (which are great cords), and the Silent Source cords are right there with the Omega Mikro cords. Personally, I have sold all of my Elrod, Palladian PK10, Virtual Dynamic Nite, BMI Shark, and even my Omega Mikro LCA active cords to go with an all Silent Source AC cords system.

Lemme put it like this... I have yet to really figure out what sonic signature that the Silent Source cords put on music. All other cords I have had, have some sort of sonic signature.