Question regarding burn-in

I fear that this may be a stupid question, but I'm still a neophyte in the high-end world ...

If I want to burn in an interconnect between my preamp and power amp by playing a source for a number of continuous hours (24? 48? 96?), does the power amp need to be powered up?

Additionally, any suggestions on the burn-in process would be helpful. I've been looking for a reference article, but haven't found anything that provides much detail.


Most likely yes. If turned on, the amp will act like a load to the preamp so signal will flow from the preamp to the amp. Just make sure you turn the volume up on the preamp to produce enough signal to "form" the dielectric on the interconnects. That is what burn-in is, forming the dielectric surrounding the conductor.
George Cardas thinks there is no need to have everything on. Please go to the following link and click Cable Use on the right hand side for more details.

Personally, I never purposely burn in cables. I just let music take care of it during normal listening.
with small signal it's impossible to burn-in.
if you apply some high voltage 300...400V than your interconnect may work as fuse and will eventually burn
The power amp does not need to be on.
The power amp needs to be on when you are burning in speaker cables. IMO.