cardas golden reference biwire

Just hooked up a pair of used but new wires mentioned above. I did not have my speakers biwired before. There is a significant change with these wires. The bass is just a little overpowering. Will this change with "break in"? or is this a result of the type of wire or the added benefit of the biwire? I am not sure I can live with this much base. However I love the extended mids and highs, trhe soundstage has also doubled incredibly.
Dave, it is much cheaper to try to move the speakers around first than to buy more cables. Brian, had no place to go, I hope that isn't the case with your set up too.
Maxgain is right, it certainly cannot hurt to try moving your speakers; I suspect it wouldn't of helped if I could of had free rein, but it isn't going to cost you anything.
8 years later....
Did you ever solve the Cardas biwire problem?
I'm debating whether to have Cardas convert my Golden Ref from single to biwire on the speaker end.
Speakers are Silverline 17.5