Sign wave analysis is heavy stuff and not for amateurs.
Here is
a picture of my buddy and I in my audio signal analyzer.
I runs along under our whole neighborhood. Here is a shot of us moving in the magnets
and a
view from my Lear Jet looking down. The signal analyzer is the circle.
We run audio signals at each other at high volume. Here is a read out of an audio signal event when we ran Hendrix out of phase. And the nuclear core near meltdown
My proud family watches in excitment.
Based on extensive research I've gone back to zip-cord.
I remain,
Here is
a picture of my buddy and I in my audio signal analyzer.
I runs along under our whole neighborhood. Here is a shot of us moving in the magnets
and a
view from my Lear Jet looking down. The signal analyzer is the circle.
We run audio signals at each other at high volume. Here is a read out of an audio signal event when we ran Hendrix out of phase. And the nuclear core near meltdown
My proud family watches in excitment.
Based on extensive research I've gone back to zip-cord.
I remain,