I've all the gears. Whatelse do I need?

Hello everyone,
It took me 4 months to research and get all these used gears: Triangle Celius ES, Primaluna Prologue 2, and Rega Jupiter 2000. Whatelse do I need to get these guys to make sound? I already spent $3,500 for my first Hi-fi system.
I'm running out of my bullet. I'm tryig to find something under $300 or $200 if possible. Please help. By the way, I love warm sound but very detailed sound.

Thank you,
Try electricity-but you will have to pay monthly and it may well run be more than $300 over time.
Congratulations Chulhee, you're almost there.

For speaker wire and interconnects I would look into entry level products from Kimber, Analysis Plus, AudioQuest, MIT, Cardas or Wireworld to name a few. These are well established companies with excellent products. Good luck and happy listening.

I had Triangle Celius 202
Unison Unico And Pathos M11 amps
Jolida 100 CD Player
Audience AU24 and P/C's
It never sounded right to me. Bright and fatiguing. One hour and your ears would bleed.
I sold all my gear and somehow found Audio Note. Day and night difference. I am sure there are other companies that are as good or better than AN but it truly was the best move I ever made. I lost money but in the end I enjoy the music so much more.
It is very good gear you have but in the end you will be found wanting.
You may be mad by now but I wanted you to know from my dealings with such gear.
The Audience I/C and P/C'S would be a step in the right direction
Kublakhan is right! I've been using my patent-pending "Air Cables" for years to listen to my air guitar, and the combo sounds awesome to me.