Breaking in power cords

Can I break in my new power cord by connecting it to a lamp and then leaving it on fulltime? Various threads indicate hundreds of hours of break in time in the audio system, and I don't want to wait months and months for the benefits. Has anyone tried this method?
Warren: "overcooking" an IC has more to do with the improper design of the cooker being used, not so much the length of cooking. A simple test would be to cook the cable for a period of time and then pull it and listen. Typical signs of "over-cooking" are a dulling of high frequencies and flatness of presentation. The cable will return to normal, but may do so only after an extended period of normal use. Cables that make use of lower grade and / or higher quantities of dielectrics need to cook longer than cables using very little or very high grade dielectrics.

Mwilson: While you bring up a valid point, my experience is that playing back this disc actually improves the sound of the deck being used too. If you read some of my other posts, you'll see that i've "broken in" many a machine in this manner. In fact, i did this with one machine that was known for breakdowns and it lasted longer than most of the others of the same vintage before developing problems. Sean
If you have kids and laundry is a never ending thing , a Clothes Dryer. Up to 5000 Watts.
Sean, I use and love the results with the Ayre disc. I only play track 7. do you play the other tracks? Results if any? Also, can you explain exactly what track 7 is doing and how? In laymans terms, if you can. Thanks again, warren
Darrylhifi, most clothes dryers operate on 220 volts (USA). Not only is this a "no-no" for burning in power cords, but the receptacle plugs are different for 110v vs. 220v, so this would be an impossibility as well!