Breaking in power cords

Can I break in my new power cord by connecting it to a lamp and then leaving it on fulltime? Various threads indicate hundreds of hours of break in time in the audio system, and I don't want to wait months and months for the benefits. Has anyone tried this method?
Allright you got me , Im a midget and I shop in the kids depatment. I have tiny furniture and a tiny stereo system . To me a JVC shelf systems speakers look like Legacy Whispers ! Seriously Its a full size Maytag Clothes Dryer .Its a 20 amp circut , a 120 volt receptacle. The stock Maytag PC is 16 gauge .Estimated drying time towels and jeans , 50 minutes. maybe with Walker SST, I can get it down to 45 minutes !
I refrained from Fisher-Price brand with a lightbulb inside cracks .

Very unusual appliance. 16AWG PC...? My 240V antique is a 3-10AWG PC. The 50 min. may 'splain it all, since it should be 'bout 30-40 min, tops.

No SST, but cleaned the PC brass prongs, and used one of the Caig products...
Refrigerator is my first choice. Easy and it's running 24/7 anyway. Audiogon member subaruguru sells cords fairly cheaply that makes the process easy.
I found that my power cords kept getting better with up to 900 or more hours of break-in (I used to run my CD player 24/7 on repeat at low volume. Hooking up to the refrigerator gives you 168 hours per week and over 700 hours in a month.
Shasta -
I know the refrigerator cylces on and off. I was referring to the idea that you can set it up and walk away from it and it will be running on and off constantly 24/7