Powercords $1000 that beat VH Audio cords

I am looking for a powercord for my tube preamp that easily beats the VH Audio Flavor 2 Cryo.

The most important atrribute for me is natural tone and natural timing.

No I haven't. But I'm really look for a cord that is A LOT better, if that is a realistic goal.
I think all cables, whether they are PC's, IC's or spkr. cables, are tone controls of some sort. Some are intentionally made that way, others have tone adjustments as artifacts of the design, so the end result is a tone adjustment of some sort.

I bring this up merely to emphasize that cables are really a personal choice & in a lot of cases, experimentation has to be done to obtain the users best choice. Personally, I went through about 75 cables in a 3 1/2 yr. period to get what I use & although there may be something that would work even better, I'm satisfied with what I have. Also, I haven't closed the door on changing anything but I'm not actively seeking change either, although I will upgrade soon with the same manufacturer.

If you like the Flavor 2 you might like the Flavor 4 more.

Cables may be tone controls, but they can be a lot more than tone controls. From personal experimentation it is very clear to me that some cables allow more information through than others. Some cables filter out noise better than others. And lastly, some cables add much less to the signal than others. These attributes are what I am after.
The Kworks Empowered cord, it is not a tone contro but built to reject AC noise. It sounds more natural then any of the major brand cords that I have tried under $600. I do prefer the Elrod non sig EPS 3 to it on my amp but it was a close call and very hard to define the reason why but the Elrod was a $1100 retail cord and the Kworks cord is $200. It is built by an audio designer local to me. And no I don;t get paid for this or work for the guy in anyway, I just got tired of trying all of the $1000 plus cords and wanted to find a few that would work in my system or at least come as close as possible without feeling I was missing too much.

BTW if you have not addressed your AC then that is the first step before you get a power cord. A $40 investment can get you there.

Happy Listening.
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