It's all over now, baby blue. Or is it not?

My son is 5 months and soon to be a toddler/stumbler/walker/grabber. I have q wall of CDs and LPs, as well as a Salamander cabinet full of pricey stuff that I would like to keep out of his reach. I am wondering if any of you have experience with child proofing your gear. I am especially curious about options to get the CDs off the wall - filing only the discs in space saving/child proof organizers and if so which are decent enough to protect my precious plastic? Or should I bite the bullet and digitize? i currently have vinyl in Boltz shelving which feels heavy enough to be OK with the baby but again, input is appreciated.
I had similar positive experiences with my two kids.They never touched the stereo equipment or cds.I used to play music they loved to sing and dance to and they had their own kiddie cassette decks and later on their own receivers,cd players,and speakers in their rooms.Other peoples kids were a problem at times.Enjoy and share with your little guy!
I've really enjoyed reading the responses. I too have children and have chosen not to move my rig. Aside from safety issues (securing equipment so that it can't fall over) I wouldn't change anything.

Interestingly, the marks and scratches on my speaker cabinets come not from children but from visiting adults! Go figure.
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts. So far I think I will keep the rig where it is and hope for the best. I still plan on taking down the wall of CDs and probably going with a bunch of Slappa cases to house the collection. The records will stay out. If anyone has experience with Slappa please let me know. I like the idea of the "d2i" which allows you to slide CD sleeves in and out, which would make it easier to keep the CDs in alphabetical order. Again input is appreciated, and thanks!
One practical choice I made when kids wee that age (as well as a general organization change) was to leave the plastic jewel boxes behind. I moved all my CDs to binders with CD pages - includes liner/artwork and my whole collection can sit on a higher shelf in 6 zippered Mead binders organized by genre. It was also great as moved all music to a NAS - just take binder to my computer. No dust, well organized, flexible - can add pages/binders.