Paul Speltz speaker cables

Does anyone have experience with Speltz's speaker cables. He seems to claim they are better than coventional cables at a fraction of the cost. I understand his cables are solid rather than stranded. Is it too good to be true, that he is better than the high priced stuff.
Thanks Bob
Folks, I'm curious if you built your own, or if you bought them from Paul assembled. If you bought them assembled, I'm curious as to the geometry he applied (ie, are they just just running side by side, are they lightly or tightly twisted, are they wrapped together, etc). I built a pair (since I needed biwires) using Luminous copper spades tightly compression crimped to the bare wire, and then lightly soldered. I have the four conductors spaced about an inch or two apart (alternating negative and positive strands) suspended about three inches off the floor using thin pieces of pine with holes drilled through to create an effect that looks not dissimilar to a pair of high tension electric transmission lines. I think they sound very good, but I do slightly prefer my Goertz MI-2 to the Speltz cables. The Goertz cables sound just a little more dynamic, a bit more extended and are overall slightly more neutral than the Speltz cables. While I know that altering the geometry of the cables will change the sound, once the wire is "formed" in any fashion, it will be difficult to undo any geometric changes. Hence, my question as to how Mr. Speltz supplies the assembled cables. Either way, they are a bargain. Regards,

The Speltz cables are not connected in any, just two wires per channel and you place them as you see fit. This is for single not bi-wiring.
can anyone give comparison of these to signalcable? i have the anti, but am curious...
I have an all solid state HT system (all Cary SS). My system can be on the bright side for my taste and was considering saving up for Cardas crosses.

I'm thinking about giving the Anti-Cables a try, but I'm worried they might not be great with a solid state system. I'm using AQ Midnight +'s right now, and like the sound overall, but I find the sound fatiquing and a bit forward after very long. Any idea how these would compare?
I have 2 12' pairs and 2 4' pairs, that have ended up in the closet. The cables sound pretty good, but as referenced above were too stiff for me at the end of the day. I have found as good and better sounding cables that can be managed far easier. That said, still quite the bargain.