I have a 10' run w/spades arriving in a couple days.
It will take me a while to place them properly as Paul suggests.
I dont know what my cats will do when they see wire dangling in the air.
Im excited to try these on my new speakers as I've been using MIT T-3's to tame my Thiels.Im still using them on my Soundwaves.
I have a gut feeling from all I've read on these cables,they are going to sound superb.
I'll give my impressions in a few days.
It will take me a while to place them properly as Paul suggests.
I dont know what my cats will do when they see wire dangling in the air.
Im excited to try these on my new speakers as I've been using MIT T-3's to tame my Thiels.Im still using them on my Soundwaves.
I have a gut feeling from all I've read on these cables,they are going to sound superb.
I'll give my impressions in a few days.