Paul Speltz speaker cables

Does anyone have experience with Speltz's speaker cables. He seems to claim they are better than coventional cables at a fraction of the cost. I understand his cables are solid rather than stranded. Is it too good to be true, that he is better than the high priced stuff.
Thanks Bob
I have a 10' run w/spades arriving in a couple days.
It will take me a while to place them properly as Paul suggests.
I dont know what my cats will do when they see wire dangling in the air.
Im excited to try these on my new speakers as I've been using MIT T-3's to tame my Thiels.Im still using them on my Soundwaves.
I have a gut feeling from all I've read on these cables,they are going to sound superb.
I'll give my impressions in a few days.
"How long a burn in do the anti-cables need?"

since it is using air as a dielectric, not long at all...a few hours maybe...i found them to sound pretty darn good right out of the bag.
These are excellent cables for the price but not even close to really good cables. I put back Satori im my sytem. The acoustic environment is back, recreated beautifully, much better extension at both ends, voices back in my room. Anti-cables totally kill spatial cues. If you call it clarity... Bass not extended, without any texture, just tight and and dry. Once again, very good cable for ...hi-fi systems.
Those who replace with them better cables must have impaired hearing or theirs systems are not up to the... It's OK because they save some money, but they mislead others and that's not OK. Instead of giving discription of their vertues, an honest evaluation, use slogans like wonderful and beautiful.
