Your say - AudioQuest DBS system

I have not read comments on this site about the DBS battery systems on their recent products. While on other sites it has been very controversial. I would like to know from reader who has heard these products to share their findings.
Thank you guys for the in-put.
I have saved eonough and will be buying the Sky soon and I will experiment with the DBS to see if I can hear the difference.
Catch up with you guys later.
I was quite enamored of the DBS system when it first came out (available used on Agon). I put my whole system on DBS; couple pairs of CV-6, a set of Mount Blanc, interconnects like Jaguar, Cheetah, etc. I heard differences when adding dbs packs, but not changes in nature of the sound. Similar to upping the wattage on an amp by same manufacturer. Nice, but not wholesale change.
Long story short, it was nice, but then I tried Harmonic Technology power cable and was amazed at what it did. Got some H. Tech speaker cables and interconnects. FAR more three dimensional in my system. Made all the dbs sound dark in comparison. Changed over whole system to them. I've never missed the dbs system, nor the messing around with battery packs.
In my system, I've tried the braided oval cables too, what were they, Kimber? Also tried I think they're called "Custom House" silver braided cables. Wasn't impressed with any of them.
I heard that Acoustic Zen was similar to H. Tech in that they're "single crystal" copper. I tried one for center channel and it does seem to be the same stuff.
Yes Douglas, I have tried the H. Tech silver and it sounded more lively and brighter than the Sky that I had finally decided on buying. It is system dependent.
The sky and Gryphon reference that I have are more refine cables.
Interestingly, the SKY does need to run-in! It is just like other brand new cables that I had own. The sound was very dull fresh out of the box. It is quicker to settle than other new cables though.
compared non dbs volcano to dbs monte blanc speaker cables...
the non dbs volcano's smoked them...
Mikesinger - that is now suprise, since the Volcano is higher in the AQ range (it is actually AQ most expensive copper SC).

Try any of the AQ silver cables, and you will never look back.