Any expericience with Nordost Valhalla powercord ?

Dear fellow-audiophiles,
Do any of you have something to say about the use of the Nordost Valhalla powercord on cd-players ?
What are your comments about this powercable ?
Is it as good as the reviewers and the audio magazines tells us ?
I'm considering to buy one, but want to hear other users comments. I use already Nordost Vishnu powercables in my system, but like to bring it at new levels with the purchase of one Valhalla.
My system : Bow Technologies ZZ Eight cd-player, Bow Tech. ZZ One Ref. amp., Totem Mani Two speakers, Nirvana SX interconnect and Nordost Vishnu powercables.
Thanks a lot for your words,
Happy listening !
I use all Valhalla throughout my entire system including 4 Valhalla power cords,speaker cable and interconnects.

Simply put (IMO) there is no finer cable made. Certainly there may be more expensive but none that brings to life my system in the manner in which Valhalla does and I have owned them all.
Thanks Larry

It has taken me 33 years to get to this point. Everyone must decide for themselves when they have reached audio nirvana wherein they kick back and just enjoy the music. I feel that is where I am now.