Any expericience with Nordost Valhalla powercord ?

Dear fellow-audiophiles,
Do any of you have something to say about the use of the Nordost Valhalla powercord on cd-players ?
What are your comments about this powercable ?
Is it as good as the reviewers and the audio magazines tells us ?
I'm considering to buy one, but want to hear other users comments. I use already Nordost Vishnu powercables in my system, but like to bring it at new levels with the purchase of one Valhalla.
My system : Bow Technologies ZZ Eight cd-player, Bow Tech. ZZ One Ref. amp., Totem Mani Two speakers, Nirvana SX interconnect and Nordost Vishnu powercables.
Thanks a lot for your words,
Happy listening !

I recently put Valhalla's on my BAT 150se mono-block amps and my 51se pre-amp. Wow! Also, did a shoot out over a friends house of power cords on his Meitner DCC2 and CD-SD. The Valhalla was easily the most neutral and transparent. Feel free to send an e-mail if you would like to know the details.

All the best,
I have mixed feeling about the Nordost Valhalla powercord. I have a 15amp Valhalla on my preamp. I also have a 15 amp Shunyata original Black Mamba on my cd player and a 20 amp Shunyata Anaconda Alpha on my amp. I'm also using Nordost Valhalla speakercable on the treble/mids and Nordost SPM on the bass. I listed all this because I feel that you need a balance. Too much Nordost can give you too much treble and upper midrange information, while it slightly thins the midrange registars. The Nordost Valhalla powercord overall brings your sytem to a new level with clarity, soundstage, treble/upper midrange resolution, treble/upper midrange dynamics, treble/upper midrange decay and lower bass. It actually makes the system sound way clearer and live-sounding. The problem that I've noticed is a thinning of the midrange and upper bass, especially at lower volumes. Of course, things may be different down the road. I have between 100 and 130 hours actual playing time on the cord. It may not be broken in completely. I think that the Nordost Valhalla powercord would be sensational in a full sounding system. If your system is already slightly thin in the middle, then it may not be the right choice. As with everything else, it's system dependent. Best wishes! Stan
I use all Valhalla throughout my entire system including 4 Valhalla power cords,speaker cable and interconnects.

Simply put (IMO) there is no finer cable made. Certainly there may be more expensive but none that brings to life my system in the manner in which Valhalla does and I have owned them all.